With our excellent relationship with distributors around the world we believe that we can source the product for you at the price that is tailored for you.

Please do drop us an email and a request on what products you would like us to source. Our team are very prompt and we can give you an answer as fast as we can.

Alternatively, if you come across a product on our website and wanted to discuss further in regards to purchasing please do let us know.

Continuity of product and establishing a supply chain with ‘you’ is what the Fidum Group can offer. We will always work with the customer until the end result is achieved by both parties.

Fidum trade
Fidum trade
Fidum trade
With our diverse range of products, the Fidum group are looking for other business/brands to collaborate with. From baby products to kitchen appliances to general every day products we would love to hear from you. Please do drop us an email and we will get back to you!
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
Helen Keller
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